April 06, 2012

Star*Crossed Weddings™ Wears Gray!

I am beyond excited to share this great news with you all! We are a sponsor store for Wear Gray this year!

Some of you may know about Wear Gray, but for those of you who don't know its a sim wide fundraiser for the American Brain Tumor Association to aide in the awareness, research and in aiding those that suffer from brain tumours/cancer.

Sadly, in each of our lives, cancer will affect us. It may not be ourselves, but it will be a friend, family member, or someone else connected to us. The best we can do is support any and all research for the treatment and cure of cancer! 

So, to be more specific, we are offering three brand spanking new wedding products for you to enjoy and 100% of the sales go to the ABTA!! Are you excited yet?? Even better- two of the items are Transfer so you can give them to a friend if you aren't getting married! And now the icing on the cake- There are tons of great products from the stores at Wear Gray that will also give 100% of the sales to the ABTA! I got a sneak peak while I was setting up and I couldn't resist some of them; you will not be disappointed!

Head on over to the Wear Gray sim and show your support!